Salil, Jaise Paani
An instinctive polymath — Sayan Mukerji weaves a childlike love for life with chess, music & health and the teachings of Jiddu.

An instinctive polymath — Sayan Mukerji weaves a childlike love for life with chess, music & health and the teachings of Jiddu.

with Sayan Mukerji

One is never afraid of the unknown.
One is afraid of the known coming to an end.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Like Leon Alberti, like men who can do all things if they will, Sayan Mukerji takes me along an instinctive discovery of his life in Chess, Music and Sprituality and being left ultimately with questions that always have answers when we do not look for them earnestly.

Life is a journey, but you need some triggers.

I think Krishnamurti did have a great influence on me from early years. I still remember in 1983 — in the November of 1983, he had come down to Calcutta for the first time.

We spoke in the evening. The stars seemed brighter.

Sayan —

The night was quiet. I didn't understand anything much at that point. And perhaps it was then that I had a lot of questions arising in my mind. Questions, which I try to get some answers to.

Yes, Krishnamurti was a bit of a trigger in my life, and strangely enough, both of us share the same birthday.

I think being instinctive, all of us are instinctive. We are born with this huge sense of instinctiveness. But somehow the pattern of living, you get caught up and that gets subdued.

With the burden of our thinking and patterns of our past.

You cannot alter, you cannot run away. It's like everything which we see in our lives, whether it's pain or suffering or joy or happiness. We have to live with it. We have to be with it and not, run away from.

You need something which will help you to look outside. You get this extraordinary morning every day.

Join Sayan and me, as we discover together what is morning in our lives.

Sayan too has been there, and done it.

He doesn’t describe himself as a polymath, but all the questions he tries his mind and hands at, results in a life that can only be described in that way.

Write to him and ask him what is the biggest trigger for discovering ourselves, as I tried doing on Salil today.

cheers, Salil

P.S. The curse of the polymath

Write to me :)

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Salil, Jaise Paani
I have been an introvert all my life.
Now, I get to speak on things I care about. I bring to you the remarkable journeys of people around me in their search for Happiness.
The search of our lives.